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Warmly congratulations Guangdong CHICO Electronic Inc. listed on
2016-09-28 阅读[4616]

In October, the guests gathered to Warmly congratulations Guangdong CHICO Electronic Inc. Listed appreciation dinner held successfully!

CHICO people good governance, hard work ,  innovation . Along the way, CHICO adhering to the "Thanksgiving, responsibility, innovation, win-win" values, and move towards a new platform. To thank the long support of the public and CHICO family;  CHICO will be more exciting with you!

Facing the future, CHICO will continue to create new technologies with wisdom, achieve a world CHICO and the dream of century-old enterprise. After CHICO listed "three new board" , will continue to research and innovation, rapid development of enhanced source of power. Chico will adhere to the "quality-based, technology-lead, customer-centric" business principles, and continue to provide more quality products and services to create sustained and stable growth, enterprise, community, employees win-win .

September 25th, 2015, a milestone day of CHICO . On this day, Guangdong Chico Electronic Inc. SMEs in the country formally share transfer system, listed the new third edition. Let us revisit that exciting time!


Today We gather to sum up the past and look for the future. My friends, this moment , focus all our common struggle. Today will as a new starting point, CHICO will always adhere to Thanksgiving, responsibility, innovation, win-win.

CHICO will collect the wisdom of the society, create a Green Technology, shared the blue sky. We together, build a world CHICO, round century-old dream! ! !

Wish CHICO tomorrow will be better!!!